Tara Goldsmith St Sava Temple | Readyclickandgo Blog
  • St Sava Church, Belgrade, ReadyClickAndGo

    The Hagia Sofia of the Balkans

    The photographic icon of Belgrade is St Sava Temple which is still a “work in progress.” Its position, on the grounds of Vracar where the relics of Serbia’s first Archbishop, St Sava, were burned by the Ottoman Turks in the 16th century, is very impressive and is visible from every Read more…

the scheduling of the dreaded PCR test

PCR: Personal Contingency Report

Mathematical formulas are my forte, and I can solve most daily riddles with ease. The amount spent on my weekly shop are in my head before reaching the checkout desk, surprising the cashier with my accuracy. Numbers were my friends. Until now. Sitting in front of Read more…


The Art of Travel Seduction

“I was here, I saw this and it mattered to me.” Alain de Botton   How many times have you been seduced by reading an article on the 10 best things to do at the destination you always wanted to see? The flawless writing full of Read more…